Amiga Impact

[MÀJ] BBoAH n’est plus (pour le moment), aussi connu sous le nom de Big Book of Amiga Hardware, n’est plus en ligne depuis hier soir.

En effet, si vous allez sur le site en question, vous aurez droit à cette phrase laconique :

Due to complaints the site is offline. It “may” return at some point, but with reduced contents.

Vous pouvez aussi relire l’interview de Ian Chapman alias Monsieur BBoAH, parue sur AmigaImpact le 24 Mai de cette année.

En espérant que la même chose n’arrive pas à

Mise à jour :
Voici ce que l’on peut désormais lire sur la page d’accueil du BBoAH :

Firstly, apologies for the previous message. It was written as a quick placeholder in the early hours of the morning and I needed to sleep. The site has been taken down because I received a copyright violation notice from the author of a driver. Perhaps it was foolish of me to offer such things for download. The site has always been non-profit, is ad-banner free and has cost me a lot in the 7 years it has been running in both time and money. It is also the product of hundreds of contributors who have taken the time and effort to send submissions. It’s for these reasons that I would like the site to return, however I need to decide whether it’s worth the risk and if so what alterations need to be made.

– Thanks, Ian.

Mise à jour bis :
Apparement, les choses ne sont pas si catastrophiques que cela, et un retour du site est donc à espérer sous peu. Voici encore quelques éclaircissements de Ian Chapman :

Thanks for all the support guys. It seems I need to clarify a few things :-). There have been many requests asking who issued the notice, however I feel this should be kept private. As far as I’m aware they do not work for any currently active Amiga related company. The offending driver was deleted immediately upon receiving the E-Mail however I chose to take down the entire site to review the content, in an attempt to avoid this happening again. I may also need to review how I handle submissions.