Scalos, le bureau de remplacement du workbench (ou d’ambient) vient de sortir dans une nouvelle version qui rajoute moults améliorations et corrige moults imperfections.
C’est également l’occasion pour la première version alpha native OS4(41.3) de pointer le bout de son nez.
La liste des modifications (en anglais) est disponible dans lire la suite…
Télécharger :
- ScalosBeta_41.4_68K.lha (AmigaOS 3.x) [2,1 Mo]
- ScalosBeta_41.4_MOS.lha (MorphOS) [2,6 Mo]
- ScalosAlpha_41.3_OS4.lha (AmigaOS4) [2,4 Mo]
- Improvement: Added optional drop menu to allow comfortable selection between copy, move, or create-link operation
- Improvement: Added optional icon images for popup menus
- Bugfix: errors on link creation were never reported
- Improvement: In German translation, replaced all “link” by “Verknüpfung”
- Improvement: Added single-window lasso mode, with scrolling window contents
This mode is invoked by dragging mouse with configurable qualifier key- Bugfix: Text icon selection was drawn incorrectly if “Name column selects text icons” was on and window was scrolled horizontally
- Bugfix: Text icon lasso selection used to ignore “Name column selects text icons” flag
- Improvement: Added support for backfilled thumbnail icons, with selectable color and transparency
- Improvement: lifetime of cached thumbnail icons is now configurable for each drawer. Lifetime may now be set to “forever”.
- Improvement: Added option to always generate square thumbnail icons.
- Improvement: Added ability to scale background images without guigfx.library.
- Improvement: Added new parameter options for menu CLI commands. “%w” inserts path name of current window, “%d” inserts device name of argument icons (useful for “eject” tool).
- Bugfix: Corrected naming of Scalos main process “Workbench” – should fix all remaining path inheritance problems.
- Improvement: Added jpegpicture.pvplugin thumbnail generator for JPEG images. Thumbnails are generated 2 to 3 times faster than with default thumbnail generator
- Improvement: Added filetype-specific preview (=thumbnail) generation plugin system. Standard defpicture.pvplugin behaves exactly like previous build-in thumbnail generation
- Improvement: Windows are now updated immediately when drag-drop copying icons, moving icons, or creating links
- Improvement: Borders around tooltip bubbles are now drawn with antialiasing (GFX card required)
- Bugfix: Applying popup menus to all selected icons didn’t work with a single icon under the mouse pointer that hasn’t been selected before clicking RMB
- Improvement: Added new user setting to always apply popup menus to every selected icon, regardless of qualifier
- Improvement: Added selectable transparency for tooltip bubbles.
- Improvement: Clicking into startup splash window causes it to close immediately
- Added setting: Switch on/off the displaying of image thumbnails to be shown if they have no icons
- Improvement: SQL tables are initialized each time the database is opened, so the thumbnail database can be safely renamed or deleted anytime, and Scalos creates new database next time a drawer is opened
- Improvement: Moved image scaling and dithering code to shared library scalosgfx.library
2 Commentaires
l’installeur plante sur mon aone. j’ai pas eu le tps de tester une install à la main.
l’installateur fonctionne très bien sur mon A1XE ! Après Scalos fonctionne sauf que je peux pas lancer les prefs (il me manque la classe MUI Lamp pour la pref principale et les autres ne veulent pas se lancer : un problème avec Group plugin ou qqchse comme ça, j’ai pas eu le temps de chercher plus avant, fallait que je teste XWin & Gimp aussi hier soir 😉